
Mt. Wu-Yi Shan

I happened to come across this video, the audio is in Chinese, but if you're interested in seeing where wu-yi tea is harvested, check out the video. Gives an interesting look at the environment and lands where wu-yi tea is grown and harvested.
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FREE Trial of Wu-Yi Tea

This is a recent post over at Thought I would pass this along for anyone thinking about trying wu yi tea. For more info go have a look at the full post. I just ordered a trial myself to give it a go.
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I have a solution here that might help those worried about spending any money. This was actually pointed out to me by a reader so I can’t take full credit, thanks goes to Tammy. Anyway, Easy Weight Loss Tea is a site that offers a free trial of wu yi tea. It’s free, but they require you to pay like 4 or 5 bucks for shipping and handling so no big deal there. Anyway, you can sign up for their free trial, only pay 4 or 5 bucks, and give the wu-yi tea a try and not have to worry about shelling out a lot of money. If you like it you can actually have them ship you a bi-monthly tea supply.

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Overall Weight Loss and Good Health!

While doing a little research on wu yi tea before starting to drink it, I found a very informative article about it over at ezinearticles. The article was very well written and was one of the things that further convinced me to give wu-yi tea a try.

The article starts off explaining a little bit of history and how wu-yi is the same thing as oolong tea. It includes a bit about the fermenting process and describes the characteristics of the tea. As the article goes on it describes the natural fat burning qualities of the tea. Explaining to you that it is the polyphenol found in the tea and how this is significant to losing weight.

Overall I found the article to be very interesting and informative. It's definitely worth a look for some good info if you're considering trying wu-yi tea.


Wu-Yi Tea - How Does it Work?

Just a quick clip from a site that gives a great explanation of how wu-yi tea burns fat and helps keep it off! This is great news and info for those of us who's metabolism has pretty much slowed down or stopped! The days of eating pizza and cheeseburgers whenever I want came to an end long ago. Wu-yi tea is definitely the way to go.
What draws most people to wu-yi tea is the natural fat burning qualities contained within the tea. With the vast amounts of crazy diets and all sorts of concoctions pushed upon dieters, more and more people are becoming concerned about just what they're putting into their bodies.
A substance naturally found in wu-yi known as polyphenol is also found in green and black teas, but in a lower concentration. Polyphenol stimulates a biological process called lipolysis, which simply means the break down of fat cells. The polyphenol causes this by activating certain enzymes that work to dissolve triglycerides (fats) in the body, which in turn, raises the resting metabolic rate actually making it easier to lose weight and control excess pounds.
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A Cup a Day Keeps the Fat Away!

One of the things I hadn't realized until finding this site is wu-yi tea is actually oolong tea. The name wu-yi is used often times because of where the oolong tea is harvested from, Mt. Wuyi Shan in China. I was fairly familiar with oolong tea and had always heard good things about it, but now that I know more, I wish I had known sooner!
Wu-Yi Tea - A Cup A Day Keeps The Fat Away!

We all know the "Apple a day keeps the doctor away" saying. When it comes to weight loss, you may start hearing "A cup of wu-yi tea a day keeps the fat away!" So just what is wu-yi tea you may be asking and how can drinking it every day help you lose weight? Well, the information on this site will try to answer your question and after your visit you may just walk away with a completely new outlook on drinking tea.

For over 400 years asians have been drinking wu-yi tea for it's natural slimming effect and other natural health benefits. In fact, drinking tea has been included in traditional Chinese medicine since it's discovery and is still used to this day! It's no wonder than that many people trying to lose weight are flocking to wu-yi tea for it's natural qualities of burning fat.

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Real Weight Loss, Real Proof... How True!

This was the blog run by a guy named Dan that got me interested in trying wu-yi tea for myself. It's a great "common man's case study" as he puts it in losing weight with drinking wu yi. Very interesting read.
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Hello, My Name is Dan and I’m Overweight and Lazy! Well, that use to be me. I’m still a bit lazy but I’m not overweight any more thanks to Wu-yi Tea! After almost keeling over playing indoor soccer one night for what was only about 15 minutes but seemed like hours at the time, I realized I needed to do something about the shape I was in! I wasn’t overly overweight or obese, but I definitely needed to lose weight. I also felt sluggish all the time and was totally unmotivated, ie. a lazy bum.

Anyway, you may be in the same boat I was a little over two months ago. I’m now 20 pounds lighter and feel ten times better than before. I won’t be sharing any scientific or medical mumbo jumbo with you but I will share my personal experience and results. If you’re thinking about trying Wu-Yi tea then you might wanna stick with me on this for a short time ’cause it might benefit you too! And yes, that’s really me in the photos, see how happy I turned out in the after photo? =p

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Introducing Wu-Yi Tea

Back in January like most people this time of year, I vowed to lose weight. In December, I had come across something called wu yi tea. This was a drink that supposedly helped you lose weight and was great for your overall health. At first I was very skeptical, but while doing a little research on it, I came across a guy named Dan who had a wu-yi tea blog. Basically he had been drinking wu-yi to lose weight and after two months he had lost like 20 pounds. On his blog he wrote about his results and what he had been doing. I was very interested so I tried it for myself. I haven't lost 20 pounds yet, but I've lost 15 pounds so far and I'm hooked. So I've been motivated to kind of write about my success and share some of the info I've found on the net with my friends and others who might be searching for something that works! If you're interested you can read Dan's blog at