
Wu-Yi Tea - How Does it Work?

Just a quick clip from a site that gives a great explanation of how wu-yi tea burns fat and helps keep it off! This is great news and info for those of us who's metabolism has pretty much slowed down or stopped! The days of eating pizza and cheeseburgers whenever I want came to an end long ago. Wu-yi tea is definitely the way to go.
What draws most people to wu-yi tea is the natural fat burning qualities contained within the tea. With the vast amounts of crazy diets and all sorts of concoctions pushed upon dieters, more and more people are becoming concerned about just what they're putting into their bodies.
A substance naturally found in wu-yi known as polyphenol is also found in green and black teas, but in a lower concentration. Polyphenol stimulates a biological process called lipolysis, which simply means the break down of fat cells. The polyphenol causes this by activating certain enzymes that work to dissolve triglycerides (fats) in the body, which in turn, raises the resting metabolic rate actually making it easier to lose weight and control excess pounds.
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Unknown said...

Yeah, I heard the enzymes in wu-yi tea stop carbohydrates from releasing fats, apparentely.

Anonymous said...

Nice way to loss weight.
!!!I am realy impressed after read this article.!!!

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anni said...

This would help the people who are thinking of loosing their weight..
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